Raquel López



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Raquel López Cascales was born in 1968 and is still alive.

She grew up among stories, cross-stitch and rice pudding, all home-made by her mother (she liked some of them more than others). She studied T.A.S.O.C. in Alicante, and a load of interesting things for which they do not give you a certificate and which you never ever finish. Since 1991 she has been telling stories. And you may ask her, Why do you tell stories? And she could seek academic, economic or even philosophical answers, but she would answer that it is because she likes it, which is no small thing. She has told stories in squares, libraries, theatres, schools, chapels, deserts, islands and mountains, with a microphone and without, by day and by night, before hundreds and in tiny groups.

She has given numerous courses and conferences to parents, educators, teachers and students throughout Spain in order that they converse, learn, imagine, philosophise, experiment and, above all, ruminate on stories.

She is the author of the book of stories for adults Amantes amados (2013) and the children's book Veintisiete abuelos son demasiados (2014) for which she received the XXXII Vila de Ibi Narrative Award. 

Her storytelling shows include: Una hora con Mario (1993), Entre mujeres (2006), Una historia con receta (2.008), Contando zapatos (2.009), Dime por qué (2010), El viaje del didgeridoo (2011), Amantes Amados (2011), Amores, desamores y otros remedios (2012) and Cuentos de la luz apagada (2015).










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