
SiT logo festival

Festival´s name: STORIE IN TASCA

Place: Lombardia Region, Italy, in the town of BESOZZO (VARESE) on Lake Maggiore


Trajectory (including its origin and evolution): The festival is organized by a group of friends who are passionate about storytelling and share their skills. The festival has been running yearly since 2012 and has grown over the years in audiences, organization, venues and performance quality. We hire professional storytellers and have a smaller space for non professionals.

Target Audience: ADULTS / 12+

Coordination and Direction: CLUB TEATRO CCR

Web page:

Social media facebook page: Storie InTasca

Duration: Friday to Sunday, in mid October

Spaces: Indoor/ historical building

Budget: less than 5000

Sponsors: A few local businesses and administrations covering roughly 15% of the cost. Remaining 85% is covered with Club memberships

Approximate price ticket for storytellers The fee is usually around 300,00 euro + travel and accommodation

Any other information:

• Admission is free for spectators 

• The festival is organized by volunteers who give their time and skills (graphics, promotion, setting the room, providing meals, airport pickups and so on) and in the years has reached a satisfactory high level of organization and a professional look.

• The CLUB TEATRO CCR also runs a storytelling training course and a storytelling club (TELLERAMSEE).

• We have ties with storytelling clubs in other Italian cities (Genova, Torino, Firenze) and aim to create a fruitful net of tellers and events.

This text belongs to the 67st Bulletin: A trip of stories