It is Story celebration time in India December 2018. The country will be hosting two International Storytelling festivals back to back in the cities of Bhuvaneshwar and Hyderabad respectively. I, Deepa Kiran, a storyteller and curator for both the festivals, am delighted to share more about them and invite members of The Spanish Professional Storytelling Association to join us and enjoy the celebrations.
Storytellers from across the world, India and the region have been invited to participate and share their expertise, love and laughter with the people of Bhuvaneshwar and Hyderabad cities, as they explore the oral art of storytelling and the joy of reading.
(1) Bhu-Fest, International Bhuvaneshwar Storytelling Festival: Dec 6 to 10
It is Year-One and it is named after the host city: Bhuvaneshwar in the state of Orissa. A culturally vibrant state where music, dance, arts and crafts and deeply valued and thriving. The festival is supported by the Orissa State government and co-organized by Bakul Foundation, founded by Sujit Mahapatra.
Deepa Kiran, from Story Arts Foundation is the official curator for the festival. The festival will be a one-of-its-kind celebration offered to the people of the city and to the multitude of tourists who will be present from India and across the globe for the Hockey World Cup, since the city will be hosting from end November to mid December 2018. So this year is indeed a very special opportunity indeed. Flight travel, local stay, commute and food etc will be arranged by the Festival for the artists. Performance fee will also be given.
(2) Story Arts Festival Hyderabad, International Storytelling Festival Hyderabad- Dec 11 to 14
THE CITY: Hyderabad is the capital of the newly-formed growing young state of Telangana, located in the middle of the country. It has seen a cultural revival and is home to many religions - Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Zorastrians live together here. This was where the richest family in history, the Nizams lived. Today the city juggles heritage spaces: palaces & forts along with modern state-of-the-art Software hubs: Microsoft & Google offices. Old and the new co-exist here.
THE FESTIVAL: Deepa Kiran, from Story Arts Foundation is the official co-organizer and curator for the festival. The festival is supported by government and private educational institutions. This is Year-Two and a revival of the first Story Arts Festival Hyderabad, 2014 which was very well received by the city. The focus is on oral traditions and other arts, art-education and education through the arts. Storytelling and art performances will be held in government and private schools. Workshops and Master Classes for educators and parents will also be an integral part. Flight travel, local stay, commute and food etc will be arranged by the Festival. Performance fee will be given.
So block your dates and come enjoy the festivals! Hope to receive your love and support this year and in the future as we all grow together.
Happy tellings!
Deepa Kiran
Founder, Story Arts Foundation
Curator Bhu-Fest & Organizer-curator Story Arts Festival Hyderabad, Dec 2018
This article belongs to the 67st Bulletin: A trip of stories