Festivals name: “Folktales & Myths on the back of the Centaur” Mt. Pelion Storytelling Festival
Place: Agios Georgios Nilias, Mt. Pelion- Thessaly Region, Greece, 700 m. above the sea level, 21 klm drive from the capital Volos City
Trajectory (including its origin and evolution) Established in 2011 as a 3days storytelling festival and became after 2012 an 8 days festival with storytelling performances, fests of honor-special tributes, one day Summer School of Folktales (with scientific paper presentations), workshops, art exhibitions, film projections
Target Audience: age from 6+ up to 99
Coordination and Direction: Non profit Organization “Folktales & Myths on the back of the Centaur”-Artistic Director: Dimitris Prousalis
Web page: http://paramythiakaimythoitoukentavrou.blogspot.com (with google translation options)
Social media (facebook in greek: ΠΑΡΑΜΥΘΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΜΥΘΟΙ ΣΤΟΥ ΚΕΝΤΑΥΡΟΥ ΤΗ ΡΑΧΗ)
Duration: 8 days every August (during the 2nd week)
Spaces: mainly open areas- among cobbles and olive trees, in the museums, old school buildings, in the country chapels, monasteries, railway stations, in traditional hostels, stone bridges, house yards, pathways, stone bridges, old coffee shops, water sources
Nationalities involved: (participation of storytellers 2011-2018) Greece, Great Britain, Norway, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Turkey
Budget: less than 5000
Sponsors: Regional Government of Thessaly, National Tourism Organization of Greece and private donations
Approximate price ticket for storytellers: 200 euros
Any other information: Participation of the “Mountzouris” old local train with special ticket offer by the National Greek Railroad Organization, Free entrance admission
This article belongs to the 67st Bulletin: A trip of stories