Ana Griott was in Rome representing AEDA. This is the short text she read about us:
"AEDA (Spanish Professional Storyteller´s Association) is a young organization, born in 2010. Little by little our association is finding its own place in Storytelling world.
These are the three points that we would like to distinguish:
- We publish an online magazine (El Aedo) about professional and traditional storytelling world. Its third issue will appear soon.
- This year we are involved in protesting against the situation of the stage professionals in our country. The government has approved a VAT (value-added tax) increase, the biggest in the History of Spain, that will cause the end of spanish cultural activity, particularly Storytelling. A tax increase of 19 % threats to professional storytellers. The result of this arrangement goes like this: 500 storytelling performances programmed for the last quarter of this year have been suspended.
- Therefore, we have been preparing manifestos and press releases expressing our opposition and supporting actions of peaceful protest. Last Friday, for exemple, some storytellers (members of Aeda and not) told stories in the street in front of the Modern Theater, in Guadalajara, closed by the provincial government.
The stage places are closed but they can´t close our mouths.
If you want to know more about these matters you can consult our website. This has been one the most important achievement for last year: finally Aeda has a web in order to spread information on its activities, its members and the situation of Storytelling over the world.
And this is everything I can say in two minutes..."