Weaving stories, healing stories
Stories can illuminate our path through the forest of life and help us through difficult moments in our process. Nowadays it is easier for stories to find the people who need to hear them because of social networks like The Healing Story Alliance (HSA). The HSA is centred in the USA and is an international network of storytellers, and other professionals, dedicated to exploring, promoting and applying stories for healing purposes. I visualize the HSA as a giant, friendly spider, spinning silken story threads to be weaved into nourishing stories to help people overcome difficult situations in the adventure of life, such as; bullying at school, recovery from additions, depression, serious illnesses such as cancer, or simply to accompany us at the end of our hero’s journey in the transition from this world to the next.
There are other spiders spinning their generous, healing story threads in Europe. Symposiums dedicated to the healing power of stories are held each year in the North of Europe. These have been based mainly in the Scandinavian countries and Scotland. In 2014 it will take place in Finland.