

Email: info at inesbengoa dot com
Phone: (0034) 606154321
Twitter: @ines_bengoa

Inés narrates in Basque and Castilian Spanish.


Reading, acting, communication, people and travelling have been my great passions since I was very small. Who would have said that my daily life would be a mix of all these ingredients?

I trained as a journalist because I loved Arts, as an actress because I loved expression and from both loves comes a synthesis which gives me great pleasure: oral narration.

In 2012 I celebrated ten years as a storyteller in libraries, play centres, community centres, bookshops, schools, associations and local festivals. Ten years dedicated above all to audiences of children who I’ve told stories to, accompanied by movement, objects and drawings, depending on the occasion.

Now that I am less of a child myself I am beginning to feel the need for older audiences more and more and for that reason I have set out on the adventure of sharing stories with an adult public in the form of narration and workshops.

So, today you can find me anywhere, nice and cosy, wherever there are people, old or young wanting to hear stories.